The Catawba Island Historical Society was established in 2017 as a federal tax exempt 501(c)(3) corporation.
Our mission is to "educate and inspire by collecting, preserving, and displaying artifacts from Catawba Island's rich history."
Thanks to CIHS membership fees, grants, bequests and Township support, the public may visit the museum at no charge.
Our inaugural community service was sponsoring an educational lecture series. We continue presenting regular speakers on historic and informative topics.
In 2018 we began operation of the museum/cultural center in the Union Chapel, a renovated non-denominational house of worship built in 1888. The structure is a Catawba icon.
CIHS provides membership opportunities for every budget and level of interest.
A lifetime subscription is offered for a single payment of $1000. Two categories of annual membership – one for $100 and one for $25 per year - are also available.
For more information, email us at or call our Museum Curator at (419) 967-5363.
Catawba Island Historical Society & Museum
Museum: 5258 East Porter Street, Catawba Island, OH 43452